Ihr Hersteller für Entstaubungsanlagen aus Magdeburg
Ihr Hersteller für Entstaubungsanlagen aus Magdeburg


The Environmental Technology GmbH is a family-held german company based in Magdeburg.

Since its founding in 2005 the company has been known for its exceptional performance and quality in the field of environmental technology.


For over ten years we are producing custom-made dedusting and fluegas cleaning systems for the international market. Our solutions are designed to fullfill all requirements by our customers and the common environmental rules and regulations.


We deliver the full range of services starting in the design phase and ending with the first operation and servicing of our systems.


Klausenerstr. 29

39112 Magdeburg



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© Environmental Technology Magdeburg GmbH Entstaubungsanlagen und Rauchgasreinigungssysteme //